
Community Psychology (M.A.)


Mission Statement:

The graduate programs in psychology at Russell Sage College prepare students for work as mental health counselors and community psychologists. The programs have been designed for students who have made a commitment to advance social justice, to promote the well-being of individuals, families and groups with varying cultural traditions, and to develop change strategies to address social issues in diverse communities through the application of psychological principles, research and methods.

The 36 or 37 credit Master of Arts in Community Psychology focuses on the systems, practices and tools needed to effectively address mental health and community welfare issues.The goals of the program are to :

  • Reorient the student’s thinking from individually-focused to more community-focused and systems-oriented models.
  • Educate the student in a variety of prevention and intervention strategies to facilitate alteration of behavior change in community settings.
  • Provide the student with evaluation, assessment, and consultation skills.

Course schedules are flexible and include evening and weekend options to meet the needs of working students.  Note: Admission to the New York State psychologist licensure examination requires a Ph.D. in psychology. This degree does not meet the educational requirements for licensure as a mental health counselor in New York State.

Program Design

The program consists of a community psychology core, a research methods sequence, general psychology electives, required Organization and Management electives, and a capstone experience.  A field experience in Community Psychology is required for all students.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission to the community psychology program must meet the general admission requirements:

  1. An minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0.
  2. Official transcripts of ALL previous undergraduate/graduate study. Two letters of professional reference (at least one of which should be from an academic source). Undergraduate courses in statistics, history and systems of psychology (not required for undergraduate psychology majors), and at least three other courses in behavioral sciences. Satisfactory “Personal Prospectus” statement regarding rationale for interest in the program.
  3. Current Resume

Applicants who meet all admission requirements will be admitted as regular graduate students. Those who do not fully meet the requirements may be admitted on a provisional basis if they show high promise for success in the program.

Degree Requirements

  1. Completion of all required and elective courses.
  2. Completion of externship in community settings.
  3. Completion of a thesis (3 - 4 credit hours) or research seminar (3 credit hours).

Community Psychology Program Summary

  • Requirements:  All courses are three (3) credits except PSY-687

Capstone Experience

Item #
3 - 4
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits