
School Health Education (M.S.)

The Esteves School of Education is accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (https://aaqep.org).

M.S. in School Health Education

The Master of Science (M.S.) program in School Health Education is designed to prepare health teachers for initial or professional certification in accordance with New York State Education Department regulations. This master’s degree prepares health educators for certification across grade levels K - 12.

Admission Requirements

  1. Undergraduate GPA of 3.0
  2. For students admitted with provisions, an interview may be required.
  3. Pursuant to the law, each program is entitled to exempt a student from these admission requirements based on the exempted student’s demonstrated potential to positively contribute to the teaching field.

Applicants for admission to the School Health Education program must undergo an assessment of writing skills.

Program Summary


  • These credits are NOT included in the 33-36 credits required for degree completion.
Item #
3 - 6
Sub-Total Credits

Phase I: Core Courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Phase III: Culminating Activity for Candidates without Initial Certification

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Phase III: Culminating Activity for Candidates with Initial Certification

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Non-Credit Requirements

  • Current Red Cross First Aid and CPR certifications are required before student teaching. : 0 Credits
  • NCR 070 Reporting & Identifying Child Abuse and Maltreatment : 0 Credits
  • NCR 071 School Violence Prevention Workshop : 0 Credits

Additional Information

  • All probationary and/or provisional conditions must be satisfied before student teaching.  A 3.0 GPA and matriculation is required.
  • In addition to registering for student teaching, you must also complete an application.  They are available in the main Esteves School of Education office or online at www.sage.edu/academics/schoolofeducation/education/index.php and must be submitted by the first week of the semester prior to student teaching.
  • It is strongly suggested that you take the NYS Liberal Arts and Science Test (LAST) during the time you are completing the first 9 credits of your master’s degree program.
  • In addition to satisfying the requirements for the degree, teacher candidates must also:
    • apply for graduation through the Student Services Office (dates are listed in Course Schedule);
    • pass the NYS Teacher Certification Exams www.nystce.nesinc.com;
    • complete a criminal background check with fingerprinting, as required by New York State law;
    • and, apply on-line for New York State certification through the NYS Office of Teaching Initiatives www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/.
  • The Esteves School of Education requires all students to subscribe to LiveText, an electronic portfolio system.

Esteves School of Education Attendance Policy

While individual instructors may approach attendance and participation in varied ways in their grading policies, students in the Esteves School of Education should be aware that missing 1/4 or more of class sessions MAY result in AUTOMATIC class failure. Class content and participation are vital to meeting the objectives of School of Education courses.

Total Credits