Procedures for Grievances Alleging Discrimination Based on Disability

Any member of Russell Sage College community, including faculty, administrators, staff, and students, who has any grievance in relation to the law or any acts prohibited by the law may file a written complaint within 30 working days of the occurrence of the alleged action. The complaint should be filed with the Director of Disabilities Services as the person designated to coordinate the efforts of the College to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the law. The written complaint should explain:

  • who was discriminated against;
  • in what way;
  • by whom;
  • when the discrimination took place;
  • who can be contacted for further information;
  • the name, address, and telephone number of the complainant; and
  • as much background information as possible about the alleged discriminatory act.

These are suggestions, not requirements. Within five working days, the Director of Disabilities Services shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint and assign an individual to investigate the complaint. The individual investigating the complaint shall submit a written report to the Director with a copy to the complainant within 10 working days from the date assigned. The complainant shall have 10 working days from receipt of the investigation report to contact the Director to support or refute information contained in the investigation report. The Director of Disabilities Services will review the report and related material, and submit a written recommendation to the College President within five working days after the time period given the complainant to respond. A copy of this recommendation shall be sent to the complainant and the investigator. The President, as chief executive officer of the institution, shall make disposition of the complaint or refer it for the established grievance procedures of Russell Sage College.

Anyone who believes there has been an act of discrimination on the basis of handicap in violation of Section 504 against any person or group in a program receiving financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education, may file a written complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services within 180 days of the alleged discrimination (unless the time for filing is extended for good cause by the regional civil rights director), and send it to the regional office that serves the state in which the discrimination allegedly occurred:

Office for Civil Rights, New York Office
U.S. Department of Education
75 Park Place, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10007-2146 (212) 637-6466
FAX# (212) 264-3803; TDD (212) 637-0478