Policies on Alcohol and Other Drugs

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require each educational institution, as a condition of receiving funds or any form of financial assistance under any federal program, to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of alcohol or illicit drugs by students and employees.

Russell Sage College Alcohol and other Drug Prevention Program is designed to:

  1. Promote student adherence to applicable federal and state laws;
  2. Stress safety, responsibility, and individual accountability for those who choose to drink alcohol;
  3. Provide an environment free of coercion for those who choose not to drink;
  4. Promote an environment that is incompatible with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and in which healthy, low-risk behaviors are emphasized;
  5. Provide information and education for all members of the college community; and
  6. Provide counseling and/or referrals to students with substance abuse concerns.

In compliance with these standards, the College must disseminate its Alcohol and other Drug Policies in writing to all students and employees, on a yearly basis. The College will also conduct a biennial review of its program to determine its effectiveness, implement needed changes, and ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

Each member of the community is responsible for contributing actively to and sustaining a healthy campus environment. Community members are expected to be law-abiding, knowledgeable and thoughtful about decisions regarding alcohol consumption. The College provides information about alcohol use and abuse and urges all community members to become informed consumers or non-consumers.

The College encourages those with concerns about their own or others’ possible difficulties with alcohol and/or drugs to seek confidential and private assistance on or off campus. Such assistance is available through the Wellness Center, the Residence Life or Dean of Students Office for each College, or the Human Resources Office.